The Original T-Payne

Ramblings of a Young Female Entrepreneur

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NI TV show, The future awards

Ok I know this is long overdue but this is another episode of Nigeria International that I hosted. This one features the Future Awards. Yeah I missed the show but God willing I will be there live and direct next year.. Enjoy

Monday, March 19, 2007

5 days to go and still sick

5 more days to go for the Stars on the Runway show. This show looks like its going to be one of the hottest, most creative, star studded fashion show in NIG till date. I think I forgot to mention that it is also for a good cause, the money will go towards AIDs research. Gotta love it, Im happy to be a part of something so HOT!!... below is a flyer for the show.

Right now my prayer is that I look presentable, cos If i look anything like I look now, gosh! people will take to their heals after seeing me or maybe they will think Im a prop, hehehe, wearing my halloween face. this friggin flu is just terrible, the thing refuses to go away.. Its soo bad that I got into a show for sunday I have been wanting to do in Hollywood and had to bail out last min. and it doesnt help that I have been mad busy the second I stepped off the plane and will be till I step back on the plane. I am pulling a 48 hr work day this week so lord help me that I dont pass out. I cant understand what kind of sickness this is sha, my nose, lips. even eyes hurt. I cant go out without dark shades on cos my eyes are hella sensitive to sunlight, my nose hurts from being touched too many times, my lips are on another level of falling off... I am crossing my fingers that by thursday night I am all better.. If not, you will hear stories of the scarecrow TP that came to the show. hehehehe.. ok maybe not that bad sha but it sure feels like it.

OOO did I mention a few weeks ago, I had a date with an okada guy.. ok maybe not literaly. I actually got on an okada. A few years back, i had attempted to take one but ended up burning myself so I just fashied. this time around I was determined to get on one b4 i leave, so my mate instructed me on proper okada etiquette. "Dont get on from the right side", she said. " "Make sure your butt is secure and you hold on to something", she said, and thats exactly what I did, well im not a pro yet as I dint have to guts to carry a purse or hold anything and lord knows my fingers were probably turning red from holding on to the seat rails so tight. I went for a 5 min joyride and it was loads of fun. Will I do it again? errr maybe! actually, YES!!!!! why not. live and let live right?

Do you ever have a time when u wanna shout something from the rooftop.. hehehe yeah im going through that right now, gosh!.. Im at this happy stage in life and loving it.. wish I could share.. haha

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I was going through the Sun news paper like I normally do every morning and stumbled on my name, ok nothing new right? Well kinda, the story wasnt related to me, a lady was being interviewed and when asked about makeup she mentioned Toni Payne eyeshadows as one of her favs.... so of course the day I landed I had to go online to see if it made it to their online version and it did, anyhoo here goes MRS
whats cool about it was I met her at the exquisite event, which is one of the few events I have done in NIG.. Im saying if I did like 20 events a year in NIg the responce would just be too sick. It confirms my theory about where to focus on the most, I know right now its Yanks but mehn when I officially decide to fully get to WestAfric, its gonna be ridiculous. I met some dude at the airport that said I need to come to Ghana and open up and outlet. Im def gonna check out Ghana maybe next year but first stops this year. NIG, then ASIA!

Im really feeling the Sun lol, well not cos of all the love they show me but because they always have interesting stories and their website is updated daily.. Here is another little something something on TP here TP SUN PROFILE the picture is errr lol... never mind sha but all the same Im feeling it...

I really wish I could scan other stuff but we will have to do with things I can find on the web for now.. Oh, I wanted to show yall my future nigeria certificate, its soooo cute.. all green white and green.. loving it.. Im off to lag again next week for Ronke Apampas Stars on the Catwalk show.. Should be fun, in the meantime, Gosh! ive missed Target, Walmart and the grocery store sooooo much. hehehehe.. Allow me to bask in not to humid weather. Whats really strange is, as good as it is to be back, I can't wait to get back to NIG. I guess I miss complaining about everything around me.

Hahaha, I was thinking, when I eventually do get married, would it be odd if the goodies given out dint ave any makeup... Its only natural my guests get some free makeup right? anyhoo enough of my rambling, I have soo much gist but this friggin flu wont let me sit for too long at a time.

Minx, if u read this, email me with ur number, we have to hook up this time around.

Sidenote: I am not the one to brag but supposedly I have the best eyeshadows on the market. I have always suspected this but an event that occured 2 weeks ago confirmed it... hehehe let me stop jor! anyhoo back to my sick bed. *coughs coughs* *sniffles sniffles*